Thursday, March 26, 2015

Happy 3-Year Anniversary of GOLD!

Hey kings and queens! Three years ago today, Britt Nicole released her third studio album titled "Gold" and since then, both the album and single of the same title has made a huge impact on boys and girls around the world letting them know that they are loved and are worth more than GOLD! Happy 3-year anniversary for "Gold"!

 Indie Vision Music's Jonathan Andre said "this is a terrific album, no dull points. Every song is a reminder that we are precious to God, that He will do anything for us to be with Him. These 13 songs have reminded me that He is always there in the midst of life, shaping and molding us into the people that He wants us to be." Andre wrote "this album incorporates dance, pop, ballads, rap, and every other genre. This album is for everyone, to be reminded that we don’t walk this world alone. Jesus is with us every step of the way and what a sobering thought this is! Isn’t that worth more than all the gold we can have? We are kings and queens of the most High God; let us claim who we are in Christ."

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